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medical electronics中文是什么意思

用"medical electronics"造句"medical electronics"怎么读"medical electronics" in a sentence


  • 医疗电子学
  • 医学电子学
  • 医用电子学


  • On improving medical electronics ' teaching quality
  • Shenzhen mindray bio - medical electronics ,
  • Automating complex electrical safety testing of medical devices jim richards medical electronics manufacturing , fall 2002
    医用电气设备的安全;上海医疗器械研究所国外标准组译;技术标准出版社, 1982
  • Built in beautiful shapes and great varieties , our products are widely applied in instrument communication , aerospace , public transport system , television surveillance , computer network , medical electronics and other lines
  • The ntu " khpi " scientific schools are known beyond the boundaries of the country primarily thanks to such scientific chairs as metals physics , high technologies of metal working , electric drive , internal combustion engines , tank - building , ceramics and composites , synthesis of nitric acid , oil fuel , electric chemistry , space apparatus control systems , industrial and medical electronics , information equipment , control systems and so on
  • At the forefront of the engineering profession in healthcare and medical services , we are hong kong s leading specialists in the maintenance of advanced medical electronics , advising clients on the procurement of biomedical and scientific equipment , also maintaining the systems once they have been installed
用"medical electronics"造句  


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